Welcome to L2Rune!
Welcome to l2rune, a H5 Chronicle with Salvation Client and new features. This means that the game interface is completely new and we have a lot of cool features like custom clan box, item search window, etc.
However in L2Rune we keep the gameplay and the essence of Lineage2. We want to keep it the same as in High Five, so there are no changes in bosses, drops, etc. Our goal is to offer a long term server with no wipes.

- Experience: 7x
- Adena Drop: 3x
- Item Drop: 1x
- Spoil Rate: 2x
- Party 1.5x
- Rate Pet XP 2x
- Fishing: 2x
- Hellbound 1x
- Raid/Epic Boss Drop: 1x
- RateDropManor: 2x
- Quest Reward XP/SP: 2x
- Quest Reward Items/Adena: 2x
- EnchantChanceElementStone: 50%
- RateChanceDropEpolets: 2x
- RateChanceGroupDropItems: 1x

- Safe Enchant: +3
- Full Body Safe Enchant: +4
- Max Enchant: +16
- Enchanting Chance Weapon:
- Enchant level: 4-6 base chance: 55% -> Magic weapon chance= 50%
- Enchant level: 7 base chance: 45% -> Magic weapon chance= 40%
- Enchant level: 8-14 base chance: 40% -> Magic weapon chance= 35%
- Enchant level: 15 base chance: 35% -> Magic weapon chance= 30%
- Enchant level: 16 base chance: 10% -> Magic weapon chance= 10%
- Enchanting Chance Armor:
- Enchant level: 4 base chance: 66% Full body armor chance= 100%
- Enchant level: 5 base chance: 50% Full body armor chance= 50%
- Enchant level: 6 base chance: 45% Full body armor chance= 45%
- Enchant level: 7 base chance: 35% Full body armor chance= 35%
- Enchant level: 8 base chance: 30% Full body armor chance= 30%
- Enchant level: 9 base chance: 28% Full body armor chance= 28%
- Enchant level: 10 base chance: 25% Full body armor chance= 25%
- Enchant level: 11 base chance: 20% Full body armor chance= 20%
- Enchant level: 12 base chance: 15% Full body armor chance= 15%
- Enchant level: 13 base chance: 15% Full body armor chance= 15%
- Enchant level: 14 base chance: 15% Full body armor chance= 15%
- Enchant level: 15 base chance: 15% Full body armor chance= 15%
- Enchant level: 16 base chance: 10% Full body armor chance= 10%

- Skills learned by Skills NPC
- Spellbooks are required for learning 3rd class
- Retail amount of Buff Slots 24-4
- Buff Duration 1h

- Queen Ant: 24 hours
- Orfen: 48 hours
- Core: 72 hours
- Baium: 120 hours
- Antharas: 192 - 196 hours
- Valakas: 264 - 268 hours
- Beleth: 192 hours
- Sailren: 24 hours

- All epics and raidbosses alive at the server start
- Dual Box 2+1 allowed and u can buy other one with donation coins.
- Auto Loot system for adena and items from monsters (Raid Bosses not included).
- Shift+Click on the monster shows you its droplist & chances.
- Vote prize available every 12 hours.
- Siege of each castle takes place every 2 weeks
- Yes Mana potions for sale.
- Yes autopotions
- Yes Autofarming 4h free

- Offline Private Store Sales
- Automatic Twitch Rewards
- Alt+B community available